This Is Halloweed Retro Pumpkins Day Dead Shirt

I had a very similar conversation with a couple years back with my boss. It was over something incredibly stupid (tape got left in a This Is Halloweed Retro Pumpkins Day Dead Shirt place it shouldn't), and my boss literally said "Do you need Marvin's number?". Marvin is an acronym for my states unemployment number. He was threatening to fire me over something tiny, because he loved playing with me. He did that shit all the time. Only he didn't know that I'd already been looking for other jobs. I worked nights at the time and he left the shop at 5 PM. As soon as he left I stopped what I was doing, wrote a note saying I quit and taped it to his office door. Buy it: This Is Halloweed Retro Pumpkins Day Dead Shirt Home: Waretees