Good Central State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

I wonder if there is any financial incentive to the producers and actors if any show does well on Netflix. It’s not like a movie released in theatres which would have increased ticket sales or something on Tv that would attract highly priced ad-slots. Edit: They already sold it to Netflix, even if a Good Central State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt show is phenomenally popular, they have nothing to gain out of it (Unless there is scope for a sequel or new season). Potential of a second season is huge. More of a show that’s already proven to be a big hit is far more valuable than a risk on something new. Even a second season that doesn’t match up to the first will get a decent audience. This gives the shows producers a lot of negotiating power. Also, if an unknown actor does well in a hit show, this will make future acting opportunities in their career much more likely. Defo make friends. He would be awesome for winning cosplay competitions! You could do a great Wompa/Hoth Luke combo. Excellent advice. Question answered seriously and focused on keeping the creature alive. Thanks. Also good advice not to say, "Bigfoot" because you are right....they would blow it off.Agreed, but how would you word it so they send out the right person with some urgency? Would you tell them you have a Gorilla? Otherwise they may not take the time to come out, at least not in a timely fashion.

Good Central State HBCU Black Ivy League Hoodie

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