Perfect Live At The BBQ Shirt
Calling out an alleged honey pot operation that involved sex trafficking minors doesn't make one an anti Semite. It makes you a decent human being, regardless of who the culprits are. Didn’t some American intelligence agency try to blackmail Martin Luther King soon before he was Perfect Live At The BBQ Shirt eventually assassinated? Edit: Damn, these organizations have been out of control for a long time. Wonder how many powerful figures they currently have dirt on and are controlling like puppets... Yeah, wasn't the plot J Egdar Hoover's idea? A closeted gay dude in the 1950s trying to blackmail another guy over who he has sex with smh. Hoover, allegedly* had a big collection of blackmail material gathered by the FBI to ensure control over politicians and the FBI budget. If this is true then the use of blackmail to control politicians at an organizational level has been around for a while in the USA. Yeah, the FBI. Got audio of him sleeping around, then sent the ta...