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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2020

Perfect Live At The BBQ Shirt

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Calling out an alleged honey pot operation that involved sex trafficking minors doesn't make one an anti Semite. It makes you a decent human being, regardless of who the culprits are. Didn’t some American intelligence agency try to blackmail Martin Luther King soon before he was  Perfect Live At The BBQ Shirt eventually assassinated? Edit: Damn, these organizations have been out of control for a long time. Wonder how many powerful figures they currently have dirt on and are controlling like puppets... Yeah, wasn't the plot J Egdar Hoover's idea? A closeted gay dude in the 1950s trying to blackmail another guy over who he has sex with smh. Hoover, allegedly* had a big collection of blackmail material gathered by the FBI to ensure control over politicians and the FBI budget. If this is true then the use of blackmail to control politicians at an organizational level has been around for a while in the USA. Yeah, the FBI. Got audio of him sleeping around, then sent the ta...

Nice Need Tupperware I’m Your Girl Shirt

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This was Epstein's game; produce as much blackmail material on as many powerful people as possible. That was one of the ways he obsessively protected himself and got leverage over people. I wouldn't be shocked if at some point there had been photo evidence. It seems like everyone  Nice Need Tupperware I’m Your Girl Shirt thinks Andrew is guilty, I wonder when it will become bad enough for something to be done. Weren't they encrypted though? So when Epstein was murdered they were likely unlikely to be decrypted since he would have been the one with the key? You think Andrew doesn't know other people who did the same thing? You take down one you take down all of them. And they won't let that happen. Doubt it. Someone is gonna find a way to put a lid on this soon. Someone will definitely take a fall but I highly doubt there will be more to it. That’s the way this always ends. I'm waiting to see who else is in on this. I'm sure tons of powerful people but nots f...

Happy Quantum Physics It’s Not Rocket Science Shirt

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ESPN never ever gives any teams from Georgia any love but they finally hear about how Magic City has alright wings and now it's every where. Their wings are meh btw. They're breaded. I'm an American Deli guy myself. This we grandma speaking about. Grandma would make pancakes  Happy Quantum Physics It’s Not Rocket Science Shirt on top of pancakes added some two handmade jams and like strawberry and berry. The Hooters in my area delivers through Uber Eats as Hooters, and also as a separate restaurant called Hooties with the same menu. I have no idea why. A lot of chains did this during quarantine, a lot of people want to support local small businesses so at some point the chains decided to just go by separate names on delivery apps to get more orders. I think Buffalo Wild Wing called themselves "Local Wings" or something lol. Ah jeeze, a coworker of mine and I went to one of those in Denver during a conference, not knowing what it was, thinking the name was a refe...

Good No Sugar No Cream Unapologetically Black Shirt

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One of my old sous chefs had just left the kitchen manager position at a very large and particularly upscale strip club before he came and worked with us. He said it was the worst job of his life. It came with all the stress and bullshit of normal restaurant work, but with extra drawbacks. Mainly  Good No Sugar No Cream Unapologetically Black Shirt due to the fact that the girls were (allegedly) terrible servers, because that wasn't their "real job." There was also the fact that the girls tended to be snippy and overdramatic (understandably so, from my perspective) which led to a lot of interstaff fights and general bullshit. Weeding out the applicant line cooks from people there to work and guys who are just there to see some ass. Finally there were quarterly sexual misconduct seminars, which just sound like a pain in the ass (but probably necessary in that industry). Plus you have to deal with the exact situation you mentioned: explaining to people that you work in a s...

Cute Never Underestimate A Grandma Who Loves Disney Shirt

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Heat up one cup of butter in pan. Remove from heat, rest until it's about 100°f. Mix in one cup of Frank's red hot. You'll know if the butter was too hot, itll just separate. If so just wait  Cute Never Underestimate A Grandma Who Loves Disney Shirt a few mins and mix some more. Now toss in some fried or grilled wings or use as dip for fries. In all seriousness, the Alluvia which is the restaurant inside of the Cheetah (Atlanta's most prominent strip club) has fantastic food. Chef here. Never worked at a strip club but I have worked with plenty of guys who have. Mostly at more upscale spots, but Ive known a few guys have worked at the really skeevy places. The resounding consensus is "Its not like you think its going to be." Many of them say its a lot like hotel work: mostly maintaining a buffet with a handful of plated orders. The dancers are hardly ever in the kitchen, and the girls that are there are clothed (health codes) and busy working. Still can’t get...

Yoga The Path Of Inner Peace Begins With Four Words Not My Fucking Problem Shirt

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I must be missing something, to me, it doesn't seem like racism, it seems like a problem with no knock warrants and the the fact everyone is armed and allowed to shoot people intruding  Yoga The Path Of Inner Peace Begins With Four Words Not My Fucking Problem Shirt their homes. But literally no one is saying this and I feel like I will be downvoted for even asking. So what's the deal? You're absolutely right, no-knock warrants are absurd and cause far more harm than good. No-knocks were meant to be used against gang hideouts, drug labs, places where moving quickly is essential. But like every tool we've given the militarized gang that is the US police system, its use has trickled down into everyday life and become normal. Look up "civil forfeiture" if you want another sad laugh, it's basically saying if the police find a lot of money on you, they can just keep it. It's supposed to be for Tony Montana-style drug dealers, now it's used in random tra...

Yes I’m A Tattoo Artist I Can Fix Stupid But It’s Gonna Hurt Shirt

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During that time the civilian police hated the MP's because they would report them if they just beat up some innocent hippies. The MP's were also invariably polite - as a civilian I have been stopped by them many times, and it was always a good experience; they had a job to do, and they  Yes I’m A Tattoo Artist I Can Fix Stupid But It’s Gonna Hurt Shirt understood how to do it while at the same time behaving like officers and gentlemen. The normal police (though vastly better trained than most american forces...) often came across as just another gang: They tried to 'dominate the criminals' by being offensive and aggresive, and since everyone on the territory technically was a criminal they often went out of their way to be impolite, also towards the children living there (the state recognized the occupation, but insisted for many years that Christiania (as the area is called) couldn't be owned by its occupants) IMHO our MP's are on a par with the best and most ...

Perfect LGBT Mama Bear Shirt

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Remember how cops tried to defend the stance against wearing bodycams by saying “how would you like it if someone watched every single thing you did while you were at work” and everybody replied in unison “we already are”. What's so strange to me, and this is coming from  Perfect LGBT Mama Bear Shirt both active duty and a military policeman is our training. Not saying we're perfect, but you don't often hear about brutality or unjustified shootings. (Nearly 14 years never heard of one instance in any of my squadrons) Our weapons training is ingrained into us. Our daily routine is a structured process the moment we receive our weapon and holster it and turn it in. We only draw when we must, and sure as hell will get destroyed if we pull a weapon on someone when it isn't justified. No, not rambling. Difference really is in continued training and certainly the accountability in the performance of duty. Cops get their basic training and are handed off to other cops to schoo...

Nice Greta Thunberg Donald Trump Shirt

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 I said ok... i think i can make that happen and i hear my partner slam the driver door and i go hey so were going back to station 1( the hospital) were gunna take my friend here to see the czar and i point at the guy and the boxcutter. She goes i understand (she didnt) and starts driving. I look at the  Nice Greta Thunberg Donald Trump Shirt guy and go listen you know about the new medical procedures right? The czar has been extra cautious you cant see him until he knows you are you and he says yeah yeah i know. I say so you know theyre gunna take some blood right? He goes yeah yeah. 5 minute drive he walked his ass right up to the bed in trauma room 3 sat down and instead of blood drawn he got enough to put down an elephant. I've researched this heavily and there are conflicting studies. In some regions/studies, officers with military experience have been less likely to fire their weapons. In others the officers with military experience were far more likely to shoot pe...

Love Great Dane Pew Pew Madafakas Shirt

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So I was never a cop or in the military but I was an inner city firefighter/paramedic in one of the worst neighbors you've ever heard of. Think chester, compton, some areas of cook county. Basically its my way of saying that i have been in way over my head before in rapidly changing situations. I can absolutely tell the difference between a threat on my life and a threat with a goal and if  Love Great Dane Pew Pew Madafakas Shirt i can talk my way through it or extricate from it im going to. When a person has a gun to your head and says give me your wallet thats a threat you can navigate, its approachable if that makes sense. When a person wants nothing but to kill you and says get on your knees, thats a threat and its on. If anyone would like to hear the story about the "exiled cia operative" who pulled a boxcutter on me and demanded to see "the war czar" its a great example of de escalation ive been through. Ha so we were on the street for another call who ref...

I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems Shirt

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"In summary, police officers without military experience reported experiencing more organizational and life-threatening events than officers who served in the military. Yet combat officers were less likely to utilize positive coping than non-combat and non-military officers. Was a case where  I Just Want To Read Books And Ignore All My Adult Problems Shirt a guy was depressed, had a gun and was threatening to kill himself, and only himself. Former vet cop pulls up and tries talking the guy down, when two other cops pull up and immediately kill the guy. His girlfriend called 911 and told them the weapon wasn't loaded. After they killed him they found out that the weapon wasn't loaded. The marine vet/first cop said on multiple occasions that he could tell he wasn't a threat. There was a podcast on NPR a few years back that covered this. What they were conveying, if I remember correctly, was that people who trained in the military had a higher threshold for what was con...

Hot Peace Love Halloween Yorkie In A Pumpkin Shirt

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I'm all for people being armed and protesting, but one of them negligently discharged their firearm shooting themselves and at least one other person near them. They also had to stop their march early on to be told not to aim their firearms anywhere but the ground. If you’re going  Hot Peace Love Halloween Yorkie In A Pumpkin Shirt  to carry a gun, do it responsibly. I don’t care if you’re open carrying protesting for social justice or open carrying protesting to open a damn Applebee’s wearing a MAGA hat. Carry the gun safely or don’t own guns at all! Freedom is a two-edged sword of which one edge is liberty and the other responsibility, on which both edges are exceedingly sharp; and which is not easily handled by casual, cowardly or treacherous hands. Yeah, the report I read said three fellow protesters were hit by a "trainee" protester. Maybe don't give the trainees bullets... This undermines the movement to an extreme degree. I saw a picture of her kille...

Happy You Just Fold It In Shirt

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And one time they blew up their own house in NYC on accident, killing 3 members. I believe it was the house of one of the member's parents. It's also a good response when people say things are way more violent now than in the past. Just bring up the serial killers, bombers, assassinations, and shootings of the '60s and '70s. The world is objectively the safest  Happy You Just Fold It In Shirt it’s ever been in human history right now. It’s seems like shit is going crazy, but according to the numbers the Earth is still the safest it’s ever been (for people, not rainforests or animals or anything). Is this the game group that had the accidental shooting sending 3 of them to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries? Yeah I wish people realized that this is NFAC and their leader is super anti Semitic. Basically like NOI and KKK. However I’m still all for them having an armed peaceful protest as long as they’re not shooting people or themselves of course. This...

Good Cat Face Mark Six Feet People Shirt

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Before putting them to bed, have you tried avoiding eye contact? Apparently to some articles on the internet, eye contact and excited tones can be a sign to the baby that it’s playtime. Of course, the baby will still wake up sometimes, but it can help when putting the baby to sleep. I thought you had no ideas? Anyway, he is getting old enough now that we are about ready to try  Good Cat Face Mark Six Feet People Shirt some sleep training. For now, he generally either falls asleep nursing with my wife or snuggling in between my arm and body, so eye contact isn't an issue. I found with my babies the most effective way to get them to sleep was either to knock them out with the magical hormone-infused booby juice, or, contrary to the advice, make eye contact with them and then mimic that kind of slow blinking you do when you're trying to stay awake but failing. Even extremely small babies mimic; they're learning from you how to be a human, so this would get them to copy you ...

Cute Sleeping With The Dungeon Master Shirt

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Both brands are known to have been among the commune's supplies: Film footage shot inside the compound prior to the events of November shows Jones opening a large chest in which boxes of both Flavor Aid and Kool-Aid are visible. Criminal investigators testifying at the Jonestown inquest spoke of finding packets of "cool aid" (sic), and eyewitnesses to the incident are  Cute Sleeping With The Dungeon Master Shirt also recorded as speaking of "cool aid" or "Cool Aid." It is unclear whether they intended to refer to the actual Kool-Aid–brand drink or were using the name in a generic sense that might refer to any powdered flavored beverage. Yep this is how it goes. My daughter has almost no window between tired and overtired. If I see a yawn, it's too late, there will be a battle. Try just going by how long she has been awake. For me it's an hour. Look for rubbing the ears as an early cue for tiredness. Source; father of a 14 month old who is such ...

Top Native American Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Shirt

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Uh I think you missed their point about how he just learned this news from Reddit, despite being from that town. Almost assuredly it seems like their local media is either complicit or most likely just already bought and paid for. Butler County is just north  Top Native American Missing And Murdered Indigenous Women Shirt of Allegheny County. Allegheny is where you'd find Pittsburgh, it is more urban and suburban with larger media markets. Butler County has a handful of larger suburbs itself where people commute to and from Pittsburgh as it isn't a far drive, however, most of Butler County is still fairly rural. It certainly doesn't have its own dedicated news stations or larger newspapers. Most of the news Butler County receives would come from its larger neighbor. Hope that helps give a bit of context to the situation. Cheers from Pittsburgh! Butler does have its own paper, the Butler Eagle. The Eagle is quite well read in Butler County, especially with the large aging po...

Perfect Show Me Your Doobies Shirt

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Doesn’t it make you wonder if sentencing is so light because the people in power don’t want to do anything that might press their kiddy porn guy to talk? another fun story about our cops, I had an off duty one get out of his car and rage at me at a red light once. I pulled out in front of him  Perfect Show Me Your Doobies Shirt a while back down the road while he wasnt paying attention and he came close to hitting me. So he tailed me 3 miles until we hit a red light. Apparently he ran my plates and recognized my name before that and got out of his car at the light to scream at me for it. I went to butler area senior high school with a kid named Sebastian who was really tall and played basketball. Probably around 2010-11. Thought there was a chance you were him! Nah, that wouldnt have been me. I did go to school there but finished a few years before that ha. There are a surprising amount of Sebastians around this town though. Including the one you know and myself, I know o...

Love Baby Yoda Bourbon Because 2020 Sucks Shirt

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Would it be a fair assumption then, that for the people who do get 5-10 years for having pictures of teens, that part of why they received that sentence would be more along the lines of soliciting those images from teenagers, as opposed to what this guy probably did which was find the cp online? Possible. Tho I'm not the one to ask for that. My other comment is sharing  Love Baby Yoda Bourbon Because 2020 Sucks Shirt what freind shared with me. He does computer forensics for the state and federal government. Weird that our government wants to loosen encryption to catch more online predators who aren’t going to get punished anyway. They probably want to establish a dossier on everyone possible to pinch political upstarts in the bud easy peasy. Not that it isn't laughably easy to frame almost anyone with CP and destroy their lives. I can’t believe I’m seeing this on Reddit! This is my hometown and this shit happens there all the time. So many more cases of child m...

Hot Frenchie Life Is Good Enjoy The Ride Shirt

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No. It's a mental health issue and one where treatment is horribly lacking. It is a mental disorder that is almost never treated before someone commits a crime (in part because of mandatory reporting that would see them in legal trouble for seeking help). Putting them in prison doesn't do  Hot Frenchie Life Is Good Enjoy The Ride Shirt a thing to fix them. Wow, those prosecutors must feel so good that they've locked up those dangerous predators. In actuality, what they've done is created more lifetime criminals, because recidivism rates are insanely high. More fuel to the smokestack of the industrial prisons of America. You cannot live a normal life as a felon. You will not be able to re-integrate into society. Their lives are ruined because of our fucked up justice system. That gets me is that the judge straight up SAID "no wrongdoing has been done." How does that not set a precedent for every convicted pedo who "only" has child porn to be released...

Happy Respiratory Therapist I’d Tap That Shirt

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And if they won’t look into it, I will. MADD successfully strong-armed the entire country into raising the drinking age. And if I need to stir up the fury of a million other mothers to make sure scum like this is put away forever, god willing nothing will stand in my way. I always wonder what  Happy Respiratory Therapist I’d Tap That Shirt it really was. Obviously I don’t want to know too much, a little information can be haunting. Maybe the baby videos were just regular baby videos? Maybe with sick commentary? That’s what I’m hoping. I don’t trust the way police and courts describe evidence. They’d say “drugs with a street value of $10,000 were found” in a normal person’s medicine cabinet. Also child molesters are sick, but does prison help? Given infinite resources I’d suggest a life sentence in a leper colony sort of thing. Instead we end up with people who can’t be released because they don’t have homes and can’t be tracked. They end up being unconstitutionally punished at the...

Beautiful Second Dick Shot Shirt

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Don't you wish you could go back to believing that people can't possibly be fucked up enough to not only do that but record it and put it online as well. On Memorial Day in 1927, the Ku Klux Klan marched in Queens to protest Protestant American citizens being "assaulted by Roman Catholic police of New York City." Trump and six other men were arrested "on a charge of refusing to disperse  Beautiful Second Dick Shot Shirt from a parade when ordered to do so." All seven arrested were referred to as "berobed marchers" in the Long Island Daily Press; Trump was the only one not held on charges. This guys father, Thomas Doerr (judge) is accused of sexual misconduct in the workplace. He was having an affair with a colleague in exchange for a promotion. When she got preggers and the relationship ended he made her work situation hell. I couldn’t agree more. Just look at the Supreme Court, trump and McConnell are filling it with people that support them and ...

Good Cat Ben Folds Five Shirt

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I actually agree in this case as well. Plus the man is now on the Megan's law list. Dude's life is over. Hell it would have been more lenient to send him to prison for a few years and leave him off the list. See, the problem here is that you're thinking logically, while the  Good Cat Ben Folds Five Shirt US justice system does not. They see jail time as free labor and as something good, not as a way to rehabilitate people. His dad has been NOTORIOUSLY easy on pedophiles. I think the apple does not fall far from the tree good to see this is actually making national news. Pedophiles have been getting slaps on the wrist in Butler County for far too long. This isn’t a father/son problem it’s a regional problem. His punishment is on par for the area. A former teacher of mine and his son were busted for child porn and given a similar sentence which they were allowed to serve at their vacation home in Florida. The kicker is that at least half a dozen men who were molested ...

Funny Daughtry Album Signatures Shirt

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This sort of happened with an international taskforce based in Australia when they tracked down Benjamin Faulkner*. They ran his website for a year whilst impersonating him. Hunting Warhead is a podcast documenting it and eventually interview  Funny Daughtry Album Signatures Shirt Faulkner from prison. Forewarning it's not pleasant listening but a very interesting, controversial story about what that taskforce did. Yeah...task force published previously unreleased child abuse pictures to the site....that's fucked up...your kid gets abused, pictures are safe in evidence lockup and the police publish them to a child porn site....Sincere question, what's a good alternative? One would think that unelected appointees would be at least as prone to cronyism and abuse of power. Judges are appointed by a governor but have votes of confidence by the constitutes every 2 years. This way the judges don't campaign as there is no one running against them but the people can remove Judg...

Flamingos Pontoon Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt

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Child pornography and zero jail time? Bullshit! This isn’t the typical sentence for possessing child pornography. He most likely turned over evidence to the cops including sites usernames and passwords so the cops can track the source. Which is nice but still bullshit that  Flamingos Pontoon Queen Classy Sassy And A Bit Smart Assy Shirt he got nothing. Typically it’s law enforcement that themselves that circulate this stuff. The FBI is the largest distributor of smut on the dark web. Whenever they take down a site they will move it to their own servers and allow it to run. They also work with local officials and provide them with files that phone home or even have remote access malware in them so that they can continue to monitor a user to add to the list of charges. If law enforcement just shut this shit down instead of allowing it to spread and proliferate on the dark web there’d be a hell of a lot less of this stuff on the internet. Sex crimes are incredibly easy to prosecu...

Cute Butler Serving Up Snags Shirt

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"Doerr was initially arrested after confessing that he downloaded multiple videos, including one with a child as young as 1-2 years old. Investigators tracked him down using the IP address assigned to his computer. Butler County officials told Channel 11 there  Cute Butler Serving Up Snags Shirt was no wrongdoing in the case. The district attorney said he immediately handed Doerr’s case over to the attorney general’s office and that no local judge heard the case. Authorities brought in an outside judge and prosecutor. That prosecutor said this is a standard sentence, typical for these types of cases." FOIA or whatever the state equivalent is in any given area. It takes a good bit of time and research though because those requests have to be quite specific. Most court records are open information, so if you know what to ask for, you should get them. Its also unclear what area the prosecutor is referring to . National, State, or it just being the standard within their own o...

Zipa Dee Doo Dah We’re Headin For The Laughin Place Shirt

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I'd prefer they feel like they can keep their firearms in a safe manner and not have to worry about agents of the state breaking in in the middle of the night unannounced and killing thr owner because their friend is armed in responding to an unknown person(s) breaking in. I’ve always  Zipa Dee Doo Dah We’re Headin For The Laughin Place Shirt liked the saying: “having a religion is like having a penis. It’s okay if you have one, but don’t go waving it around in public and especially don’t force it on children”. I wasn't so pro 2nd amendment until all of the protest. You cannot argue with the fact that the protesters who come armed have a vastly different protesting experience than "a line of moms" and "dads with leafblowers". Tbf, the moms and dads were about optics. If you want to make a point about unnecessary brutality on someone’s part, some photos of them beating up a soccer mom or trying to shoot a naked ballerina aggressively sitting there looking at ...

Top Sewing Sewciopath Skull Girl Halloween Shirt

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The problem is that the DA absolutely does not believe they can bring murder charges against them. If they announce manslaughter charges you'll have further riots that it isn't a murder charge (even if there's no way to make murder stick), just like when people were mad George Floyd's  Top Sewing Sewciopath Skull Girl Halloween Shirt killers didn't get a first degree murder charge despite it not being first degree murder. And there's a real chance manslaughter charges would be dismissed anyway. Based on my understanding of the case I happen to agree that based on the laws in the warrant and the way things went down I really don't see how they can give this guy more than a slap on the wrist for not being careful. It's the laws that needed to change and the training for what is a threat. Maybe he feels bad about it maybe he doesn't maybe he is a racist maybe he was power tripping We don't know. But Unless you can prove that he/they were personally...

Snoopy That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Shirt

Hình ảnh
You read that right. Philando Castile became a deadly threat to this officer because he smelled like pot. This is why we're saying "defund the police" here. We need a shake of the etch-a-sketch. Several generations of cops have grown up in this Judge Dredd-system and they are simply beyond retraining. It costs ~$750 dollars to send one riot cop into Portland, but it costs $11 dollars  Snoopy That’s What I Do I Drink Coffee I Hate People And I Know Things Shirt to fully outfit a covid nurse with PPE. Teachers get nothing, they buy their own supplies. This is the reality in America right now, and we're sick of it. All I can tell you is that I'm a white male combat veteran... I personally have never worried about the cops doing this to me. It would be completely different if I was black living in an impoverished community. This is the bullshit that the protests are trying to bring to light. Louisville is an extremely segregated city. No Knock warrants and oppressive ...

Nice Cheyney BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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You're absolutely right, no-knock warrants are absurd and cause far more harm than good. No-knocks were meant to be used against gang hideouts, drug labs, places where moving quickly is essential. But like every tool we've given the militarized gang that is the US police system, its use has  Nice Cheyney BCU Black Ivy League Shirt trickled down into everyday life and become normal. Look up "civil forfeiture" if you want another sad laugh, it's basically saying if the police find a lot of money on you, they can just keep it. It's supposed to be for Tony Montana-style drug dealers, now it's used in random traffic stops. But to your racism point, like most dangerous policing strategies in this country, they are disproportionately deployed against blacks. And when they ARE deployed, there is rarely anything anyone can do to seek justice or redress. Want to sue the department? I mean, I hope you survived the initial encounter, now hire some lawyers and get rea...

Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Shirt

Hình ảnh
The normal police (though vastly better trained than most american forces...) often came across as just another gang: They tried to 'dominate the criminals' by being offensive and aggresive, and since everyone on the territory technically was a criminal they often went out of their  Move Over Girls Let This Old Lady Show You How To Be A Surgical Tech Shirt way to be impolite, also towards the children living there (the state recognized the occupation, but insisted for many years that Christiania (as the area is called) couldn't be owned by its occupants) IMHO our MP's are on a par with the best and most experienced civilian Police Officers. So I think, no way is the USA that bad, surely ?So I read that it was a "no knock warrant" for some guy who was known at the address. Why is there such a thing in a country where everyone has guns and kills people for coming into their homes uninvited? Seems inevitable the suspected criminal will fire at the intruders and ...

Love Dillard BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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What's so strange to me, and this is coming from both active duty and a military policeman is our training. Not saying we're perfect, but you don't often hear about brutality or  Love Dillard BCU Black Ivy League Shirt unjustified shootings. (Nearly 14 years never heard of one instance in any of my squadrons) Our weapons training is ingrained into us. Our daily routine is a structured process the moment we receive our weapon and holster it and turn it in. We only draw when we must, and sure as hell will get destroyed if we pull a weapon on someone when it isn't justified. No, not rambling. Difference really is in continued training and certainly the accountability in the performance of duty. Cops get their basic training and are handed off to other cops to school them in more of a fraternity way of operating, overseeing themselves with far less restrictions, and dealing with civilians on a daily basis.. it's kinda absurd when one really thinks about it from that po...

Hot Claflin HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

Hình ảnh
I say ok... he says i was in the cia but i figured it out i figured it out and now theyre after me but it doesnt matter i have to warn the czar. I said ok... i think i can make that happen and i hear my  Hot Claflin HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt partner slam the driver door and i go hey so were going back to station 1( the hospital) were gunna take my friend here to see the czar and i point at the guy and the boxcutter. She goes i understand (she didnt) and starts driving. I look at the guy and go listen you know about the new medical procedures right? The czar has been extra cautious you cant see him until he knows you are you and he says yeah yeah i know. I say so you know theyre gunna take some blood right? He goes yeah yeah. 5 minute drive he walked his ass right up to the bed in trauma room 3 sat down and instead of blood drawn he got enough to put down an elephant. I've researched this heavily and there are conflicting studies. In some regions/studies, officers with milita...

Happy Fayetteville State BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

Hình ảnh
So I was never a cop or in the military but I was an inner city firefighter/paramedic in one of the worst neighbors you've ever heard of. Think chester, compton, some areas of cook county. Basically its my way of saying that i have been in way over my head before in rapidly changing  Happy Fayetteville State BCU Black Ivy League Shirt situations. I can absolutely tell the difference between a threat on my life and a threat with a goal and if i can talk my way through it or extricate from it im going to. When a person has a gun to your head and says give me your wallet thats a threat you can navigate, its approachable if that makes sense. When a person wants nothing but to kill you and says get on your knees, thats a threat and its on. If anyone would like to hear the story about the "exiled cia operative" who pulled a boxcutter on me and demanded to see "the war czar" its a great example of de escalation ive been through. Ha so we were on the street for another...

Good Fort Valley State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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If you’re going to carry a gun, do it responsibly. I don’t care if you’re open carrying protesting for social justice or open carrying protesting to open a damn Applebee’s wearing a MAGA hat. Carry the gun safely or don’t own guns at all! Freedom is a two-edged sword of which one edge is liberty and the other responsibility, on which both edges are exceedingly sharp; and which is  Good Fort Valley State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt not easily handled by casual, cowardly or treacherous hands. I saw a picture of her killer living it up in the beach not too long ago. Idk how people can devalue life enough to just be over it and at a beach chilling so quickly. Was a case where a guy was depressed, had a gun and was threatening to kill himself, and only himself. Former vet cop pulls up and tries talking the guy down, when two other cops pull up and immediately kill the guy. His girlfriend called 911 and told them the weapon wasn't loaded. After they killed him they fo...

Cute Florida Memorial BCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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And one time they blew up their own house in NYC on accident, killing 3 members. I believe it was the house of one of the member's parents. It's also a good response when people say things are way more violent now than in the past. Just bring up the serial killers, bombers, assassinations, and shootings of the '60s and '70s. The world is objectively  Cute Florida Memorial BCU Black Ivy League Shirt the safest it’s ever been in human history right now. It’s seems like shit is going crazy, but according to the numbers the Earth is still the safest it’s ever been (for people, not rainforests or animals or anything). Yeah I wish people realized that this is NFAC and their leader is super anti Semitic. Basically like NOI and KKK. However I’m still all for them having an armed peaceful protest as long as they’re not shooting people or themselves of course. Yeah everyone needs to be trained on gun safety. If not then you probably shouldn’t be protesting with guns. These gro...

Top Bowie State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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Hand to (whatever) god...I probably wouldn't tell anyone. That big ass mother fucker has survived for 100's of thousands of years without ever being found or wiped out. If I tell anyone the chance's of someone killing it increase like 1m fold. I would want to make sure homie survives for another 100k years. I wouldn't because I would probably just leave him alone. Whoever got  Top Bowie State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt a hold of bigfoot or a bigfoot would either kill him immediately so they could do an autopsy, keep him in captivity to study him or both. I don't want that for him. Suppose bigfoot is real, I would assume the species lives in a way that hides them from us most of the time. There are people that would stop at nothing to know more but since the sightings are so rare I think humans should be content for once with observing something from afar without interfering. Honestly, if I caught big foot I'd probably call the park rangers or department of cons...

Top Bigfoot Hello Darkness My Old Friend Halloween Shirt

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My nurse friend is taking double samples of everything, then I'm hiding one set in my secret location, and helping other on hand (I need a set for the government to find when they search the place). Then I'll call some local media station so I get famous before the government takes him away. Someone who can take me to Washington-there are laws in  Top Bigfoot Hello Darkness My Old Friend Halloween Shirt place labeling Bigfoot as a protected species in Washington, and thus, keeping him from being hunted. I'm not gonna call anyone. I'm letting it live its life because as nobody never been injured by a Bigfoot it means it probably is very peaceful. That's all. If i learn that bigfoot exists i would never caught him! Let the big guy keep leaving alone and not be poking at a zoo! Contact the BFRO or Bigfoot Research Organization. Even if it's just a sighting. They will send a researcher out to investigate, write up a report and post it online for the public to view....

Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves San Francisco 49Ers Shirt

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Chupacabra scared the piss out of me as a child. I never heard it was like a hairless dog in. Folklore I was always told it was like a demon monkey with wings bout 3 ft tall with an aura of confusion and suggestibility. Everyone of my childhood friends from this area heard the  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves San Francisco 49Ers Shirt same description so I guess the Hispanic community here is unique or wierd. Scrolled too far to see this. Ben Kissel is my vote all the way. They could share many a bud light limes together. Hail yourself friend. I'd realize that revealing Bigfoot to the world would put him and his environment in danger. I'd stare into his eyes, he'd stare into mine, and we'd come to a mutual understanding and respect. I'd release Bigfoot, perhaps we'd embrace for a moment, but then we'd go our separate ways. Year later, down at the local bar, I might tell the story of how I caught Bigfoot. Nobody would believe m...

Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Oakland Raiders Shirt

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I know a few people who live near woods that totally believe he or some other odd unknown creature exists there. They justify the belief with a story of a time they were out there  Never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Oakland Raiders Shirt and something they couldn't see started hurling rocks at them. I'm like, a person could have done that. Or maybe they just made it up to have a good story. This exact logic is why I kept a toy gun next to my bed as a kid. "If Zombies or monsters become reality, then so will this toy gun, that's only fair". My mum, because she is proud of me no matter what I do and this would be no different! So the first words I would hear would be my mum telling me how proud she is of me and that’s a pretty good way to start this discovery if you ask me! Going bigfoot hunting with Joe Rogan, Alex Jones, and Eddie Bravo would be one hell of a tv show. Imagine all of the bat-shit crazy stuff that would go down. They woul...

Love Bigfoot And Alien Never Walk Alone Halloween Shirt

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Theoretically though we would have seen some evidence of a large ape even in remote areas as forests often have researchers with wildlife cameras tagging and tracking animals like bears and such. There are thousands of cameras in remote forests in the western United States, we see badgers, wolverines, wolves and Bears but no large ape. In fact quite a few Bigfoot sightings  Love Bigfoot And Alien Never Walk Alone Halloween Shirt could easily be mistaken for large bears standing on their hind legs. I don’t find belief in Bigfoot that wild. It’s not magical or anything, is basically a North American gorilla. I mean, since we don’t have much evidence of the existence I find it fun but highly unlikely, but I don’t think I’d question someone’s judgement or intelligence for thinking it exists. It’s not like paranormal shit where you have to reorient what you believe about the world at large, you just have to think bigfoots are exceptionally sneaky. Then I moved to the PNW, started h...

Hot Rick And Morty Mask Fuck Corona Shirt

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My old boss unironically believes in Bigfoot. It always mystified me because he is so smart and level headed in every other aspect of his life. Dude created a business in a difficult field of work and kept it going for decades through technological  Hot Rick And Morty Mask Fuck Corona Shirt upheavals and economic downturns, but he also owns an imprint of a supposed Bigfoot footprint that he bought at some convention. But anyway I bet he'd know what to do. A large ape might have once existed in North America but I seriously doubt something that large can still exist in this day and age without being caught and recorded. Everything dies eventually, so at the very least a body would have been found. Not necessarily. There are some very remote forested regions remaining in North America. Perhaps the best example is the eastern half of the northern peninsula of Michigan (United States for those unaware). That part of Michigan is so sparsely populated. It's pretty much one high...

Happy Dachshund Can I Pet Dat Dawg Shirt

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This is exactly what I was thinking too. I would also try to document it as best as I could before they got there, just in case they try to disappear with it. Calling a few different people should also help ensure they keep things legit as they would likely have to come to an agreement and be more  Happy Dachshund Can I Pet Dat Dawg Shirt democratic than just giving one person exclusive access. I see why a lot of conspiracy things (aliens, psychics, etc.) might conceivably be covered up by governments, but if Bigfoot were just a big hairy hominid it's difficult to imagine what anyone would gain from concealing its existence. The people who stand to lose the most are the hacks who make "Finding Bigfoot" tv shows. I have no idea, like would I call the police? The zoo? If I did would they hurt him? I guess I might call my uncle first so he could see and then go from there. No I don’t think so-I mean u less it was aggressively attacking me. But if he’s just like some bi...

Halloween Bigfoot Alien Unicorn Into The Darkness We Go To Lose Our Minds And Find Our Souls Shirt

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If I actually caught Bigfoot.... Like others have said in the post, calling 911, animal control, or like any kind of government agency is likely to result in Bigfoot getting shot. My first thought instead would be to google the biology/zoology department at the closest major university, and see who  Halloween Bigfoot Alien Unicorn Into The Darkness We Go To Lose Our Minds And Find Our Souls Shirt would be willing to come into the field to potentially identify a new species. I would probably not mention Bigfoot, because there is zero chance they would take you seriously after that, but I figure an academic who does field work is probably most likely to have the connections to handle the situation without fucking it up. What else am I supposed to call something over 6 ft, hairy, and extremely angry? She isn't exactly being a lady right now and girl makes her angrier. Also, we do not speak of the dude incident. Go with chimp. A chimp is a lot more likely to get someone sent ...

Good Central State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt

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I wonder if there is any financial incentive to the producers and actors if any show does well on Netflix. It’s not like a movie released in theatres which would have increased ticket sales or something on Tv that would attract highly priced ad-slots. Edit: They already sold it to Netflix, even if a  Good Central State HBCU Black Ivy League Shirt show is phenomenally popular, they have nothing to gain out of it (Unless there is scope for a sequel or new season). Potential of a second season is huge. More of a show that’s already proven to be a big hit is far more valuable than a risk on something new. Even a second season that doesn’t match up to the first will get a decent audience. This gives the shows producers a lot of negotiating power. Also, if an unknown actor does well in a hit show, this will make future acting opportunities in their career much more likely. Defo make friends. He would be awesome for winning cosplay competitions! You could do a great Wompa/Hoth Luke c...

Funny I’m With The Bigfoot Halloween Shirt

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I think that's the problem with big foot, it's that he IS blurry. That makes him even scarier, we have a large, out of focus monster roaming the countryside. - mitch hedberg paraphrased. Love that guy. I was watching Home Movies on HBO Max last week, and noticed he voiced one of the guest  Funny I’m With The Bigfoot Halloween Shirt characters. I hadn't heard any of his standup when I first watched the show about 10 years ago, so I didn't recognize the voice then. Picked up on it right away this time. An incredibly funny dude. RIP, Mitch! I thought about Mitch on National Donut Day the other day. I wanted everyone to make sure they got receipts for their donuts in case the purchase is scrutinized at a later date. I recited the frozen banana joke last night to my wife. She looked at me in a very confused way. I said, we have someone’s stand up to watch. And make sure you are pointing the wrong way, suddenly swing the view round to a spot where there is a shadow; ...

Nice Leeds United We Are Back Shirt

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This was clearly written while he was doing his morning poop, but because the carpet is so soaked with waste he doesn't get enough oxygen in the bathroom, resulting in this. I rented a place that was built around 1900 and the bathroom was obviously  Nice Leeds United We Are Back Shirt renovated in the 70s. The suite (including bidet) was avocado green and it had the most disgusting brown carpet and tile effect wall paper. I did not live there for long. My Grandma's house... Complete with avocado green suite and pink patterned carpet. Not forgetting the extra mats to go around the pedestal of the sink and toilet - the right accessories can really finish off the look! He says the brownish color hides all stains and - unlike carpeting - the natural cork allows any moisture to dry without retaining it. Cork flooring is tricky. I won’t deny it does have upsides, but it is also extremely easy to create very noticeable dents when you want to rearrange your furniture (think...